Hi, I’m Dani.

I was born in the Fall of 1986, my pronouns are she/her and I am a white cis bisexual woman. Currently, I live on the stolen land of the Piscataway People. I’m the one behind the words here sending tenderness from my heart to yours. I’m here to walk next to you as we navigate the waters in this journey of life.

My exploration of remembering.

I love the word, Remembering.

It’s one of the pillars of my work as I believe we are constantly on a journey into remembering.

We move through life, we navigate the social constructs and beliefs that have been ingrained in us from the world, from our ancestors and from our life experiences and as we navigate this, we have the beautiful invitation to practice coming back to ourselves.

We get to learn how to connect with one another, experience intimacy with ourselves and one another, we might find ourselves getting what can feel like being lost but truly, we are on our own path of remembering. Remembering who we are in our body, who we are within and recognizing the remembering in each other. 

Often, I talk about how we can honor the seasons that we’re in and where we’re at in life while navigating, life… The society we live in doesn’t make space for this so I’m regularly in thought around how we honor our seasons and the importance of it.

Read more below.

I believe we need community.

I believe that we need to find ways to be more in touch with the body.
I believe we need to honor the experiences of others and, I know that it’s a constant reclamation to do this work.
I believe being in conversation around this creates change so we need to keep talking about it.
I believe that all of what I’m sharing is a journey, not a destination and it’s full of many questions.

I could sit and tell you more details about my story but it all feels trivial. Sometimes it feels important to share these details and sometimes, it feels like just these few feel like they want to come through- I’m originally from New York but I’ve lived all over. I’ve had many life experiences, lovers, moments of joy and periods of grief. I’ve felt so deeply disconnected from my body and unsure of how to create intimacy within myself. It’s taken the world of somatics and me listening to deepen into this.

I got into the work I do because, I felt called. I worked in many organizations and watched how myself and many other folks were burnt out, disembodied and miserable. I saw how the system at play doesn’t care about our mental health and I felt called to explore what it could look like for me to follow the path of remembering. Perhaps I could share my own experience and listen to others. From there, we could create change in this journey we are on.

Here with you.

Simple things (because it’s fun to share this):
I love making tea, elixirs, creating art, making nature altars after spending time outside, I appreciate moments of simplicity and moving at our own pacing. I began playing classical violin at age 4 which has been one of the greatest gifts I’ve received and pieces of it, I am unlearning. I love sensual scents and oils. Spending time with friends and beloveds fuels my soul. Music is an old friend of mine. I am an advocate for the performing and expressive arts. I love to write and I’m a romantic.
I feel life deeply and have a thirst to explore it all.

My Design:
Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon & Rising, Venus & Mercury Scorpio, Mars Aquarius
Human Design - Generator
Enneagram - 4

Professional Training:
- I am a Muse Alchemy Facilitator from Maya Night to support clients through movement, embodiment and expression with the body. This is a trauma-informed framework and one I use with all clients (and with myself).
- I went through Coach Training from Inner Glow Circle and then through another training of IGC’s to get my PCC certification. I am currently finishing up my coaching hours for my PCC.
- I am a certified reiki II practitioner from The Joyful Spirit School. I studied reiki and connecting with spirit directly with Roz Kincaid. - I have a BA in Sociology from Roanoke College (Salem, VA).
- I have extensive experience in leadership, facilitation and supporting ceremonial spaces.


We’ve landed. You’re here.

This is a space where I share with you what ignites me to do this work.
This is the flame behind it.

I continually come back to the themes of Belonging, Intimacy, Integration & Remember.

What I create can be brought back to one of these themes.
As you read this, my invitation is to notice what pulls as you.
Where do you feel your own flame?


Taking what we’re experiencing and reflecting on its learnings. We can learn how to weave it into our life. How can I land this into the body?


This life continually brings us back into a sense of remembering. Remembering who we are and what this life means. It’s a slowness, a stillness of who we are. It’s a deep breath, waking barefoot on the land and an exhale.


Intimacy is connection. Here we explore the relationship with the self and what we desire to be in right relationship with. Intimacy creates threads to what we touch in this life.


Learning the ways in which we belong to ourselves and the community around us. How do we show up in our community and can we get curious to explore the ways we relate to the world around us?