1:1 Somatic sessions

Somatics focuses on the internal experience rather than the external result. These sessions are for folks desiring to deepen the relationship with their body, the environment around them and their senses.

During these sessions, we don’t just sit and talk. We explore what’s happening inside the body at this present moment and the story that it’s telling us.

We look at the story that your nervous system is saying and use that as information to get curious on how to best support you in your life. Somatic work focuses on the inward experience rather than the external result.

This is a time for you to reconnect.
It’s a time to listen to your inner self.

I don’t believe in quick fixes but rather moving slowly, sinking deeper into your own sense of embodiment and cultivating the tools you need to support you in remembering who you are.

In these sessions, we get to support you in this space of remembering.

I hold myself with integrity and aspire to lovingly lead with compassion and empathy.

Those that I work with are soulful and want to walk though life differently than what they’ve been told.

Not only for themselves but for their community.

Those that work together with me are wanting:

- To gain a deeper awareness into how they move throughout their lives
- Relationships and partnerships that are infused with trust, honesty, love & freedom
- To express themselves as they walk through their day with how they move- to what they wear- to how they communicate
- To have a deeper sense of intimacy within themselves
- To practice honoring their own inner seasons
- To explore their relationship with the world
- To cultivate community
- To explore their relationship with their body
- To deepen into their spiritual practice
- To have a co-creative partnership with the earth
- To dig into how they show up in relationship and how they lead through life
- To be their wild selves and not someone else’s definition of who they should be
- The desire to walk the path of remembering who they are

1 session 75-mins
sliding scale $50-$125

All calls will take place on a private Zoom with the option to record.

Next Steps:
Please purchase your session below
- Dani will reach out via email to get your session booked

These sessions are open to all.